
Tomorrow’s Headline: Oxytocin Found to be Oxycontin, Oxycontin Found to be Alcohol

And now, back to news that’s happened in the last 14 months.

Chalk another one up for the Reductionists in the crowd today. Or more correctly, let’s all revisit that debate again because we’ve found yet another instance where human behavior correlates directly with biochemical design. But who or what is in the driver’s seat? Regardless of how you answer that question, you should consider getting your hands on some Oxytocin if you want to convince somebody you’re not a slimeball, when you are, indeed, a slimeball. Oh, and it might prove useful in treating a number of diseases/disorders that bar individuals from forging intimate, trusting bonds with others (i.e. autism). This study also tells us that with or without hormones shoved up our noses, we have a long way to go before we offer computers all the trust they deserve.

PS. Websites in Chinese are crazy! Bonus: First person to explain how to tell the difference between Mandarin and Cantonese wins my undying admiration.


Anonymous said...

Mandarin is the "official" language of China.

So, if I'm dating someone who's taking this stuff and I drink myself into a constant stupor (hence giving me beer goggles) I could end up with a really ugly chick who is really a raging bitch all at the same time...and not even know it....God I love America!

Anonymous said...

...and when the hell is this so called "love affair with San Francisco" entry going to appear. What, its been like two weeks now. Are you still mad about the Orange Account comments? How's the sunburn treating you by the way? I want to hear about all of the heinously absurd things you love about this place...(besides me of course)

Anonymous said...

I think that they use the same written characters but are pronounced differently. But I am not sure.

Phil said...

Senor Gastrointenstinal issues-forbidden love affairs aren't to be shared with the masses. And now i must traipse into the forest for my sweet summer rendezvous with SF herself. Hush, Hush.

Phil said...

Jake-that's interesting. i found something similar that says "Spoken Mandarin and written Chinese follow the same basic word choice and grammar while Spoken Cantonese does not match with written Chinese", so i'm guessing you're right.
It seems Mandarin is an easier language to learn for that reason and the following: "Mandarin has 4 basic tones and a neutral one while Cantonese has 6 or 9 tones depending on different Romanization standards".