
How in the hell did this slip by?

Note: Anyone not living in a cave or Alaska one year ago probably doesn't need to read this entry. And now more about a top woman in the U.S. administration carrying out surreptitious deeds that undermine her staunchly conservative husband’s agenda.
Am I a moron (please don’t answer that) or were other people in the dark about Lynne Cheney’s steamy 1981 novel Sisters? It seems a younger Lynne wasn’t only concerned with promulgating historically accurate literature chaulked full of heinous prose (please suffer through excerpts then laugh really hard at this [here's where the omitted text is reinserted]website). Apparently Lynne wasn't happy until she spun out luscious lesbian love affairs, scenes rife with extramarital affairs and rape, and promoted a pro-feminist philosophy.

Unfortunately for us, the Lynne Cheney prose hungry public, people with, errr, pull decided the republication wasn't in anyone's best interest. According to this USA Today article,
the publishing company decided to cancel the republication independent of any outside pressure: Perl (executive director of publicity at New American Library) and Barnet (Cheney’s attorney) said no legal action was threatened. Although New American Library had the rights to reissue the novel, Perl said, there was no desire "to put out a book that the author was not happy with." Sounds just slightly sketchy, but who am I to judge. Either way, if you want to get your hands on this Sapphic gem, don’t plan on finding it new.


Anonymous said...

Sorry hombre, very old news (circa spring 2004, just in time for election season)...speaking of new news, tell me you stole my paper today because WaPo promised to have one at my doorstep after I reamed them yesterday.

Phil said...

didn't steal paper. didn't steal lucky charms (today). did steal another 1/2 hour of sleep that i really shouldn't have. although i figured this must have surfaced ealier, i'm amazed it didn't get more press. could be something to blame on alaska.