
I'm late for lunch, damnit

this is all you get:

1)...and i have trouble climbing out of bed.

2) one of the musical recommendations that was recently offered to me (thanks, Amanda) kicks ass and is available to us, the internet using world, free of charge. Check out the Decembrists live at the 9:30 Club on NPR's website. NPR's posting a bunch of cool shows that come through the 9:30 club. the next such show is Bloc Party (thank you NSA=JA) this thursday. unfortunately, i'll be stalking the decembrists in their hometown of Portland, OR, so i can't go.

3)more things...be a good american and go learn all about the statue at the top of the US Capitol building.

That was an annoyingly and unnecessarily high number of hyperlinks to include on this itsy-bitsy post. deal with it.


Anonymous said...

Bloc Party has a unique spelling.

Phil said...

since you only commented on 'bloc', i take it i actually spelled a few words right?

Anonymous said...

Yes, for that we are all very proud.

Phil said...

...it's the small victories in life, JA.