
The (wo)man's bringin' me down

I’m that guy. The one that’s too young. The one with the slightly disheveled, slightly longer-than-necessary hair. The one with the tattered backpack, complete (NOT 'replete' as one of my adoring fans has pointed out in the COMMENT section below) with broken zipper. The one jamming the obscenely ubiquitous white ipod headphones that scream, “you’re not a fifty year old scientist!” Add it up and what do you get: a victim of the National Academies security guard profiling. That’s right.

There’s this one harridan with eagle eyes, that perches in her eagle’s nest, sharpening her eagle’s talons…just waiting to sink those claws into my shoulder blades so she can carry my dangling body off and throw me to her horde of bloodthirsty eagle children, who will process my flesh like deli turkey and feast upon my innards as I writhe in the dying throes of agony.

It’s a lot like that, I’m not kidding.

Every time I spot that lady I start to lose my cool. My breathing comes in choked fits while I ponder the forbidding consequences of saying the wrong thing or looking the wrong way. Even the mechanics of walking elude me at this critical moment as I stumble over my toe, catching myself in an all-too-obvious attempt to conceal my anxiety.

“Excuse me, sir. Sir? Excuse me, Sir! Can I see your identification please?” I muster up my courage, clench my fists, and turn on my heels to face her. There she is. Again. The same lady that raked me over hot coals last week.

I show her my identification. The similarities between the photo and my face are striking and undeniable. Still, she scrutinizes both with those piercing eyes, intently searching for an awkward reflection of light, a bent corner.

She silently hands it back to me…and I prepare for the admonishment.

Just as the sun rises each day, the admonishment follows: “Sir, you are aware that Academy policy requires you wear your identification around your neck for public view. You are aware of that, right?”

Huh, that’s fascinating. Thanks for the Academies’ civics lessons you evil Amazon…Let’s talk about four score and seven…meaning, of course, the 87 people that just walked through the door in front of me, none of whom were adorned with a visible badge. Let’s talk about you and me and those bronze-cast maize plants settling this thing right here, right now! I scream at her in my imaginary snake tongue.

“Sorry about that, I forgot my badgeholder upstairs,” is the tail-stuck-between-legs answer that ekes its silly way out of my mouth.

Now I think back to all those news stories we read about Americans of Middle Eastern descent being harassed unnecessarily in the wake of the 2001 terrorist attacks. I think about the African Americans on DC streets who often aren’t even graced with eye contact because it’s automatically assumed they’re panhandling. I think about the girls in high school counselors' offices being subtly, or not so subtly, directed towards their more "natural" path in the humanities.

Then I think to myself, “Profiling blows.”


Brad said...

phil, you look like one crazy bastard, they were only doing their job. big brother is watching

Anonymous said...

You should get one of those belt clips w/ the extending wire for easy display and functionality.

Also, all those high school girls who went into the humanities could tell you that you are using the word "replete" incorrectly.

Phil said...

Thank you, not-so-anonymous, for your invaluable input. In response to your english lesson, today i have learned that the word 'replete' means the following:
1) Abundantly supplied; abounding: a stream replete with trout; an apartment replete with Empire furniture.
2) Filled to satiation; gorged.
3) Usage Problem. Complete: a computer system replete with color monitor, printer, and software.

As you can see, even dictionary.com anticipated my unabashed thrashing of the english language.

In response to your first comment, i think we both know that wasn't the point of the post...jackass

Anonymous said...

If Dictionary.com is the standard, then this is probably the most illuminating illustration:

Usage Note: Replete means “abundantly supplied” and is not generally accepted as a synonym for complete.

As for part one, all confronations w/ said taloned hawk-woman could be avoided by simply wearing your ID.

By the same token, if Arabs would stop blowing up buses, blacks would stop being homeless, and high school girls would be smarter at math and science, we could get rid of all profiling.

(I'm glad everyone who reads this blog has a keen sense of when sarcasm is being employed.)

Phil said...

A couple things, in no particular order:

1) I can pretty much attest to the fact that anyone reading my blog does NOT have a sense of humor, especially one that can discern sarcasm

2) Let us refer back to our steadfast lover, dictionary.com:
Eagle:Any of various large diurnal birds of prey of the family Accipitridae, including members of the genera Aquila and Haliaeetus, characterized by a powerful hooked bill, keen vision, long broad wings, and strong soaring flight.
Hawk: Any of various birds of prey of the order Falconiformes and especially of the genera Accipiter and Buteo, characteristically having a short hooked bill and strong claws adapted for seizing.

Dude, if you're gonna take up comment space on this blog, you gotsta be knowin' the difference between the Aquila/Haliaeetus and the Accipiter/Buteo.

3) Again, not the point of the post...jackass

Anonymous said...

Since comment space is clearly at a premium, I'll make my remarks brief.

I thought the whole beauty of blogs was that are the pinnacle (or nadir, depending on your perspective) of postmodernism...all perspectives are equally valid, none has any better claim to truth. Therefore, any interpretation offered by the blogger or commenters should be free from the contraints of "having a point".

But if we are going to take a conformist point of view, what, pray tell, is the point of today's posting? Waxing philosophically and lyrically about your own oppression to draw attention to real profiling? Or just giving this jackass a forum and a reason to sound off because he is utterly bored at work today?

Anonymous said...

hey phil
tight blog.

Phil said...

this is in response to the second to last comment above, not the totally bitchin' shout out from my boy willie c who i can't believe took the time to read my ramblings...you rhymin', b-ballin', philosophizin' fool!

back to the jackass. unfortunately, i am not completely bored at work today, hence the reason your toxic sludge sat festering unanswered for as long as it did. I'm thinking your mostmodern spit is postmortem. while blogging does offer all of us fools an electronic tongue available to the masses, i don't think having the ability to speak equates with having an equally valid perspective as anyone/everyone else. hence, the language correction i embraced ealier that you, jackass, pointed out. There was an absolute right, and I thank you from the bottom of my bowels. just as our ultimate arbiter, dictionary.com, elevated you to deity status, so too, did that ruling hand swipe your feet out from underneath you at a later point, proving the blindness of justice. what i'm getting at here is i think you should try to iron out your position on the relativity/existence of absolute truth before preaching about it. jackass.

as far as my acceptance of varied perspectives, whether i deem them correct or incorrect, i'd say i'm accepting and encouraging of all sorts of comments, with the one exception of improper taxonomical classifications...something that simply won't be tolerated on this blog. period. Everyone knows i'm sensitive to that stuff.

what were we saying earlier about sarcasm?...

now let's be good conformists...i mean, you did pray hard, so i should tell. how about we just replace the last two question marks above with periods and call it good. i'm equally concerned about accomplishing both.

Phil said...

hello hello chef,
hung out with vanna white lately? one thing i forgot to mention about the wicked witch of the lobby was that she's not exactly petite...meaning she might sink the boat on the potomac. but i'd definitely consider joining her for some carrots and celery in our cafeteria.
perhaps i should have chosen a different winged creature...like a teradactyll

Anonymous said...

In response to the not-so-anonymous Long brother and the poor, poor, profiled Long brother's comments...

I'd like to say that I am bored at work today and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the retardedness that you two spout out with seemingly little effort.

Peace out, yo!

Phil said...

nick, how do you feel about this?

The Zombieslayer said...

My take?
80% chance she's some dumb bitch on a power trip.
20% chance she wants to fuck you and hates you because you'll never go for it (or at least she thinks you won't)

If I were in your shoes, I'd make a scene. Embarass the Nazi in training.

Phil said...

I'll support the former notion and pray the latter to be false. I did bust a funky side step the other day when i was jammin' a tune that definitely didn't make her happy. passive aggressiveness might be the only way to work this one.