
It's not you, it's the one that told you

you're a comic. somebody has handed you the skeletal structure of a joke. your mission is simple: conjure up the crassest, cruelest, most disturbing thoughts rotting in the miasmic sludge of your overworked, rat-infested brain and multiply them exponentially. now, take that vile, bison-carcass plaster and splatter it all over the skeleton. cackle maniacally as you mold your hideous frankenstein with each barbaric impropriety.

we all love him. warts-oh so many warts-and all.

now you have an idea of what to expect from The Aristocrats...over and over again. scores of the funniest comics alive tackle this challenge and contribute their commentary in this recently released film. the barrage of words alone could rattle even the most impervious ears. those bold enough to transfer words into visions, however, might leave the theatre with a persistent tick and a newfound Tourrette's compusion in their speech. either way, you'll laugh really hard for the 90 preceding minutes. when you see it (and you should), you might speak of catharsis, evolving social mores, or the philosophy of comedy. I'd be happy to listen. but more importantly, i want to hear whether you found it funny, and if not, why we have different senses of humor.

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