
Now you can scream obscenities at delinquent ebay sellers from your cubicle...

I really wouldn't mind the cubicle world if it supplied me a bit more privacy. Windows are good and great, but they remind me that i'm stuck inside when i really want to be roaming around in the sun. It's the utter lack of privacy that drives me batty. My computer screen faces directly out my cubicle towards two office doors, where my virtual explorations can be constantly monitored (pun intended). Futhermore, the only private conversation afforded me is that done electronically by my fingers. Everything i say echoes off the walls in this ampitheatre of an office corridor. Although the former problem remains unsolved, these bearded dudes have concocted a way to diminish the severity of the latter. They invented a device that multiplies and scrambles voices that come within its range. I'm pretty sure that everyone in the viscinity of my cubicle would rather hear high-decibel Babble (name of device) than my after work plans. the only thing i'm worried about is the fact that my normal-speak is babble...does that mean everyone else will hear what i'm actually trying to say?

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